Today I wanted to share some easy ways for you all to use what is known as Liquid Sunshine! Lemon Essential Oil!

Lemon Essential Oil is reputed to have powerful anti-microbial activity. It can also boost mood, energy and metabolism, and disinfect surfaces. Its multi purposefulness makes it great for everything from body care products, to emotional care, to aromatherapy.
1) Diffuse it in a blend for coughs and sore throats: Place 2 drops of lemon, frankincense, clove and peppermint in your diffuser for helping to soothe the throat and nasal passages and to reduce other cold symptoms.
2) An amazing Surface Cleaner! Mix 2 tbsp of natural soap (Castile is best), 10-20 drops of Lemon essential oil and about 2 cups or so of water. Mix in a glass bottle and use onto any surface to disinfect then wipe down with a soft cloth.
Enjoy the fresh, clean scent of Lemon while guarding your environment against harmful bacteria.

3) Rejuvenating skin scrub! Lemon has an inherent way to make your skin glow in this beautiful DIY Lemon Sugar Scrub! 15 drops of Lemon Essential oil, 1 cup of white sugar and 1/4 cup of oil (Almond, Olive or Coconut Oil). Mix together and keep in a glass jar. Scoop and scrub face and body for a healthy glowing skin! This scrub is also great for cellulite and bumpy skin! Use 1-2x a week!
4) Popularly known in Dish Soap for its grease cutting abilities, Lemon Essential oil is a powerful essential oil! Its great in a hand scrub for when your hands have been hard at work fixing a car or bike, busy in the garden or even just messy from arts and crafts! Mix 20 drops of lemon essential oil with 1 cup of salt and 1/4 cup oil (ideally coconut or olive oil). This scrub will cut right through the grease, oils and make sure skin shine bright and make it squeaky clean!
5) Sanitize your toothbrush! Drop 1 drop of lemon essential oil on your toothbrush after brushing to sanitize your toothbrush and make it smell fresh and clean!
6)Eliminate Food Odors. Bring a small pot of water to a boil on your stove top, then add a few drops of lemon essential oil to the simmering water. The lemon-scented steam will freshen the air in no time!
7) Need to remove a sticker or label or even sharpie off of a surface? Lemon essential oil to the rescue! A few drops of lemon essential oil onto the sticky area or sharpie marked surface. Allow to sit for a few moments and then wipe with a paper towel! Voila! Mess is gone!
8) Wash your fruits and veggies! Fill your sink with water and drop a few drops of Lemon essential Oil in to help kill bugs, break down pesticides, remove dirt and reduce mold! Swish around your veggies and they are ready to store and prepare!

9)Eliminate stinky odors in your fridge by placing a cotton ball with a few drops of lemon essential oil on it in your refrigerator! This works similarly in the garbage can by placing it under the garbage bag!
10) Remove hard-water buildup by tackling it with a paste made of baking soda, a little bit of water, and a few drops Lemon essential oil.
11) Make your letters a little more special by jazzing it up with a drop or two of Lemon essential oil!
Add a dab of lemon oil to the envelope the next time you send a letter or card in the mail. The recipient will love the little personal touch!
12) Make your hard wood floors sparkle and shine! Add 5-10 drops of lemon essential oil and 1/4 cup of white vinegar to a bucket of water. Dip your mop into the solution and use it to clean your hard floors.
Note: When cleaning with vinegar, especially porous surfaces like hardwood floors, make sure to use it sparingly so you don’t damage what you are trying to clean.

13) Lemon essential oil is like vitamin c to the soul! All citrus oils are for a fact! These essential oils help to uplift the mood and create a positive feeling. Due to the chemical makeup of these oils, it has been shown to help improve mood with an energizing and invigorating aroma. Use in a diffuser or even on a cotton ball or lava bead jewelery.
14) Add just add a few drops of lemon essential oil to your laundry load before drying to make yoru clothes smell extra clean! Have you ever forgotten your clothes in the wash machine too long? Throw them into the dryer with a few drops of lemon essential oil and your clothes won’t get that musky smell.
Last but not least, we have tip number 15!
15) Shine & Protect Leather using a drop of lemon oil to your cloth whenever you polish or condition leather shoes, bags, jackets, or even sofas. The lemon oil will add shine and help prevent the leather from splitting.
There you have it! 15 amazing ways Lemon Essential Oil can be used in your everyday life!
Check out our Lemon Essential Oil to get started using this amazing ingredient in your everyday life!
Lemon Essential Oil is photosensitive and is not to be applied to skin that will be exposed to sunlight within 12 hours.
It is highly recommended that glass bottles be used for all the recipes in this article, as citrus oils break down plastic bottles.